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    Do you Have a Child Heading off to School?

    August can be difficult for children of all ages. Whether it is a college student leaving home, a school-aged child heading to a new classroom, or a kindergartener starting school for the first time, everyone will experience a range of emotions.  However, parents can help prepare their children for these transitions.

    Let’s focus on the little ones. Kids that are between the ages of 4-6 may have the hardest time adjusting to change and will have to learn a lot about their emotions and social well-being. Now is the time to get into school mode.  Here are some things you can do to help your child succeed:

    • Talk about school and the new experiences they will have. When you do, be positive and show excitement. Kids will read your emotions- you don’t want to show worry or stress.
    • Work on being independent. Give them some simple chores to do. Kids thrive on learning a new task and becoming successful at it.  Zipping, snapping, buttoning, tying shoes, making their bed, helping with dinner are all great examples.
    • Let them know that being away from you is okay- you will be there when the school day ends. In these last few weeks of summer, find some activities that they can do on their own and away from a parent.
    • Freshen up on academics. Briefly review or practice the key skills that your child will need in order to be successful in their new grade level. Begin reading with them a few times a week.
    • Be sure to attend the school’s Meet the Teacher or Back to School open houses. That’s the first step in making a connection between you, your child, and the teacher.

    School is right around the corner so now is the time to make a plan. Always remember that going to school is an important and meaningful experience for children. Your help in preparing your child for this stage in their life is key to making it a successful journey!

    To further support your Kindergartener, visit Amazon and check out the Going to Kindergarten with G book series. Start with First Day of K and continue with Friendship Puzzle.  

    G has also created a Positive Self-Talk Journal to help Kindergarteners learn to speak kindly to themselves and use mantras to develop important coping skills

    These books are perfect for helping your child navigate their emotions and experiences as they begin school!